#i feel like i did him dirty
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jasbell · 1 year ago
"What ARE you?!"
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Some nerdy prudes must die fanart because fuck yeah
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c1emat1s · 6 months ago
Trickster mode! - Sonic the Hedgehog
I just think it be cool to candi-fy them
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siri-ike · 1 year ago
Authers note: This is a long fic, so prepare yourself... emotionally. Also, there is so much text before you even get to the prompt. Ever heard of a ficlet? Neither have I.
"Took you guys long enough"
Leo had come up with a thousand puns and oneliners for when he'd eventually get rescued, but now he couldn't remember a single one. One was something about catching them at the next alien invasion, or maybe it was... hold on
"Eww, are we on Staten Island?!"
Is this real? It's real this time! He never would have fantasized about being rescued to Staten Island. It's barely an improvement over the prison dimension. He'd imagined being rescued into the 1984 red carpet showing of Crouching Shrimp Hidden Tiger Prawn or that Cute waiter from Quesos riding in shirtless on a unicorn and then they would, heh, um, never mind. Leo's pointy head starts to hurt, letting him know he'd been crying. When did he start crying? When did Raph pick him up? Whose van is this?
"Leonardo. Leo, are you awake?"
Can't tell whose voice it is. How long does it take to forget a voice?
"Leo look at me. You need to stay awake."
That one's Donnie, no doubt about it. His face is just like it was in the photo, rectangular and blurry and real, he's right here in front of him. Leo manages to hold out a hand which is immediately grabbed by his real twin who isn't imaginary.
"Jupiter Jim has nothing on me now."
Giggles. Somewhere. Mikey. Definitely.
"That's great, can you tell me what day it is?"
"Definitely one of them. Ends in a Y. Full of hours."
"Leo, focus. Can you tell me... something. Common, what were those questions you taught us?"
Most people wouldn't realize this, but Leo knows Donnie's panicking. It's a bad look for him. Where's the emotionally unavailable bad boy. Now he's just this vague outline in a van, next to a couple of other vague outlines and some human boy. Did they know a human boy? Did they meet during the fight?
Leo's train of thought was interrupted by the sound of an even tinier little brother (hehe younger twin barb)
"How many animals can you name starting with the letter B?"
Great question! Leo's awsome at multiple choice.
"Bullhop, Big mama, Beebop, Bambi, Boss Bruce, Baloo, b bb, uh, 'Bearto."
Ha, Leo knows lots of Bs
"Ok, not bad. Not the assignment either, but overall, I'm gonna take this as a 'not as bad as it could be'."
Says Donnie's voice, but his face is gone. It's faded with everything else. Soon, nothing remains but the warm comforting feeling of being held by a big wall of muscle.
Leo doesn't remember the following 17 days as he was firmly unconscious. For 2 weeks after that he would only recall the occasional moment. Waking up to find Mikey cuddled up to him, Raph reading a book out loud (to the best of his ability), April studying or dad humming a familiar sounding lullaby. These were all common sights, but not nearly as often did he see them as Donnie. Donnie was seemingly always there. The others were clearly taking shifts, but Donnie would be there even when someone else was too. Sometimes, though, he would be alone. Those times, it seemed like Leo was talking to him. But Leo knew he wasn't talking.
"I'm not giving up on him!"
Mikey cries out. He can do this, Casey said future him had opened a time gate to send him there. A portal to another dimention can't be that different from a portal to another time, right? A spark crackles in front of him. It's working! Casey was right! Just have to do it about 20 years earlier. How hard can that be? A hand on Mikeys shoulder snaps him out of his head.
"We're here Mikey, together."
And then another hand. The portal grows bigger as he tries to fill his thoughts with memories of his older brother, teaching him to skateboard, watching Lou Jitsu together, he still hadn't writing that crossover he'd promised to get around to. Thick tears welled up in his eyes as he giggled to himself. Theres Leo, right beyond his hands, they burn. It hurts so much. Fu- Fundo, Kusari-Fundo, this hurts. No! Leo's more important.
"Took you guys long enough"
Just push past the pain. It'll all be worth it; in the future. Suddenly, Raphs ninpō arm shoots past him, reaching straight towards Leo. As soon as they're both out, both hands dissappear from Mikey's shoulders, and the cracks forming on his arms burn brighter and hotter. How do you close a portal? He's never opened a portal before, unless you count the hidden city doorways, but those close on their own. Will this close on its own? There's little time to think as the Kraang is headed towards them. Picture something. A locked door, big strong arms holding the Kraang stuck, a treasure chest with scary stuff inside like in that one story with the monsters in it. And just like that, the portal closes, and the monster is locked away. But the burning continues. Mikey turns around and runs back to where his brothers kneel huddled around Leo, who lay on the ground. He doesn't move for what feels like minutes but probably weren't really. Finaly he opens his eyes and...
"Eww, are we on Staten Island?"
There's your que. Time to squeeze your team leader as hard as you can.
"Leo. Leo! Leo, wake up!"
Donnie screamed, and time seemed to speed up. Before Mikey could figure out what was going on, he was being dragged into a van by Casey Jr. Must have gotten a little too absorbed in the moment, Mikey had pretty much forgotten he existed.
"Leonardo. Leo, are you awake?"
It always feels a little weird hearing one of their names out loud, their full names. It's always 'red, purple, blue, orange, Don Tron, Nardo, orthello, Peaches, bootyyyshaker, jello, Donald, red angel of preventing harm, Donovan, Angelo, pancakes... Leo comes up with most of these to tease Donnie, so it makes sence that he'd have so many.
"Leo, focus. Can you tell me... something. Common, what were those questions you taught us?"
Oh, right focus Mikey. Your brothers need you.
"How many animals can you name starting with the letter B?"
That was the only question Mikey bothered to memorize. And given Leo's awnser, he'd clearly asked it a few too many times. Do yokai count as animals? Mutants and cartoon characters definitely do, but he might have to deduct points for Boss Bruce. And who the shell is Bebop? Raph gives Mikey a disaproving look. Did he hear that? It's not even a real swear.
"No, no,no,no. Leo, stay awake. Come on, please."
Donnie Beggs desperately, he's been showing a lot of facial expressions for one day. A lot for donnie anyway. He'll definitely need to talk about that later. And Raph. Who knows what those Kraang did to him? And dad? And April? They must have been terrified. What about Casey? Oh my God, his whole world is gone. Even though we won, he lost everyone he knew!
He feels her hands on his scales, one holding his own and the other gently wiping a tear from his cheek.
"How ya doin'? Do you need ice chips, too?"
She takes her hand away from his face and reaches for a to-go cup full of ice to offer him. The ice helps. It's one of the psychology tricks he'd picked up from the internet. His scientific explanation to the team had been: Can't panic when mouth full of ice. Which, everyone but Donnie had exepted without question. This led to two hours of research, resulting in an entire presentation that could have been sumed up as: Can't panic when mouth full of ice.
Mikey finally mumbled when his heart rate had slowed back down enough to speak. April didn't bother with a response, instead focusing on Mikeys hands. They hadn't stopped shaking since closing the portal.
"How are the others?"
"They're being taken care of. What happened to your arms?"
Mikey looks down at his arms to see the cracks still there. The intense burning light they emitted before had dulled to a smoldering glow, enough to slightly alter the hue of everything nearby. Something else is off, though, besides the light. A low humm. Coming from the cracks. He holds his elbow up to his ear, and from there, he can barely hear anything. He let's go of the stabilizing force that is April's tight grip on his hands and holds them up to his ear. His face turns pale as he tries to convince himself that it's not real. It's not what he thinks... The monster is locked away.
"Mikey, it's over."
"Leo never gave up on us, I'm not giving up on him."
A sprak appears infront of his smallest brother that soon turns into a big glowing portal. Could that work? Could they get Leo back?
Shock and astonishment colored Raphs words.
"Whatever you're doing, don't stop."
Raph has never been the most observant or understandy or word-smart compared to his brothers, but any muscle head could see (and hear) how much Mikey was struggling with this. And without thinking, Raph placed his hand on Mikeys sholder.
"We're here, Mikey, together."
He didn't even know he could take some or the strain away. He just thought he could offer some encouragement or something. But Raphs also not one to question a good thing (or most things). It burns, holy cr- carapace, this hurts a lot. And not in the way getting punced of falling from a high place hurts. More like how getting your hands cut up with a burning knife hurts. The 'lasting side affects' kind of way. But it's worth it. 'Cause there's Leo. His mouth moved. Did he say something? Hope it wasn't important. Here goes. Raph reached out into the void in front of him. Further and further into the cold inky darkness. Raph is fast, especially for such a big guy. Much faster than Kraang.
"Eww, are we on Staten Island?"
Sometimes, it seems like they actively try to raise Raphs blood pressure. Sometimes, it feels like his brothers just want to get themselves killed. Sometimes, they just plain get on his nerves. But right now, it's really hard to be upset. Even if he probably should be. Right now, there's nothing Raph would like more than to pick them all up and carry them home, and when they'd get home, he'd just keep carrying them around forever. Like a bunch of stuffed animals.
A van speeds towards them and stops about 3 full Aprils away. Like if she were lying on the ground, there would be room for 3 of her. The car door slid open, and Casey jumped out so fast, Raph had barely gotten up with Leo in his arms before he'd closed the distance. He's not gonna get to pick them all up, but at least Leo isn't protesting.
"Leo. Leo! Leo, wake up!"
Oh, that must be why. Panic! Panic! Panic! They just saved him he can't be dead! He cantfbd, whadifff, hwueeaj, noOooOo. Usually Raph gets a lot more panicking done in moments like these, but this time he came to a screeching halt when one of Donnies robot spider arms stuck a spider hand sized abount of ice cubes into his mouth. Yuck, it tastes like Kraang. Must have been the ice from his battle shell. How many battle shells have ice in them? Doesn't matter. Let's just get everyone in the van. There's no light in the back of the car. Making the light coming from mikeys hands and arms that much more noticeable. Weird, the glowing usualy stops sooner. Aprils here, too, driving the van. Raph would recognize those hair poofs anywhere. And Casey has like 6 giant first aid dufflebags. Do they need that many, or were they just being cautious. That question is soon answered when Raph watches Casey search through multiple bags before finding some sort of medical thingy. They aren't fully stocked. We're they salvaged or stolen, though? Stay on track.
"Do you have any more ice?"
"No, sorry."
"...it's fine. Tasted like Kraang anyway."
Why does he even want more? It was gross, stupid. Bad ice. It would be really nice to have some more, though.
"I see a Chick-fil-A near by, we could get ice there."
"Boo, Chick-fil-A."
What? Is he even conscious?
"Ok, well, it's missing a wall, and it doesn't look like anyone is there. We could just go in and grab a glassfull of ice."
Raph's not sure this Casey is a good influence. Heroes don't steal. Although, they did just prevent the apocalypse. That probably makes it ok.
Da-m-madge-per-second, Casey's a little to comfortable stealing. Guess he did grow up in the apocalypse. Maybe it was normal there.
"Guys, check it out. They just had a bunch of food lying around in there. The past is awesome."
Casey said as he dropped another first aid kit in the pile. Ok, so he just takes these wherever he sees em. Did he pick this habit up in the future? Makes sense. That future did sound pretty awful. At least they know it's not going to happen. Casey gonna need a room when they get home, might have to clear out more tunnels. Or maybe they can find more train cars. Wait, Casey's human though, would he need a human place to live, like April's apartment. A rattling infront of his face snaps Raph out of his head.
"Do you want some ice chips, the cold shocks your brain enough to stop the panic. We had something similar in the future, Uncle Tello made these marbles that freeze themselves. Or at least that's what he said they did. I'm pretty sure Master Michelangelo made them and they just didn't tell people 'cause he wasn't supposed to use magic unnecessary, cause he, uhm, nevermind."
It would be like his little brother to ignore warnings. Carefull isn't even in his, uh, those, um, word books, that tell you what words mean. Raph chomps down on a handful of ice and... breathe.
"Boss Bruce, Baloo, b bb, uh, 'Bearto."
Raph looks at Mikey, whose arms are still glowing a bit. The cracks look just as bad as they were. He looks at his own hand. The cracks are barely visible now. It just looks extra dry. Raph looks at Mikey again. This time, he must have had some sort of look on his face because Mikey seemed uncomfortable with the eyecontact.
Donnie's nice and accurate account of events in exact detail and order of occurrence, category 12: world threatening disaster 3. Codenamed the Kraang invasion of 2022. Part 7: Saving Leo
He cried. He never cries. He didn't even cry when his favorite pizza place was destroyed. It doesn't help. Leo's gone, Leo's gone, Leo's gone. And being on Staten Island deffinetly isn't helping his mental state either. Maybe there's a way to fix this. He knows Leo. He could just... make a robot replica and program it with his memories, or, or a clone, Draxum would probably know something about that, he would actually have to interact with him, but Leo is worth temporary Barry time. Wait, no, Mikey and Raph would never approve. Stupid 'morals'.
A bright orange light bursts into being a few meters away. What are they doing? When did Raph get up? Is that. Mikey screaming? Did something else happen?
Together. They need my help with something. Donnie rushes over to his two remaining brothers, seeing Raphs hand on mikeys left sholder, he places his own on his right. A burning sensation crawls up from his palm to his elbow. It hurts, but it's nothing compared to the tentacles. Donnie would take fire over slime any day. Why did the ship have to be slimy? It would have been so much easier if it had been sharp, hot, or just full of guns. That would have been- SHH- SHELL-don's spare processing chips. Mikey just opened a portal. That's the prison dimension. It has to be. That blue blurry blob must be Leo. It was a little hard to tell since he'd lost his contacts at some point. Suddenly, a flash of red light takes over everything, presumably Raph's ninpō. Donnie thought it best to stay near the biggest green blob for the time being. Newton forbid he actually admit he can't see.
"Eww, are we on Staten Island?"
Who needs optic input? That's definitely Leo.
"Leo. Leo! Leo, wake up!"
Dont panic. That won't help. And of course, Raph has to immediately fail the assignment. Dam- Dalton, John Dalton: chemist, physicist, meteorologist. It's definitely not a swear. They were only allowed one for the movie.
That ice was deffinetly contaminated with unknown Kraang juices ~yeugh~. It's okay. It's okay. The cold is what matters, not the taste, besides its going in Raphs mouth, not his own. Now, they can get into the van with Casey. Donnie would prefer April assisting him as she is more predictable, although it's probably best not to have a boy from the apocalypse, where they probably didn't even have cars, driving. Oh good, he has plenty of medical supplies in random amounts and of varying degrees of sanitation. That's fine. Cleanliness can't be that important when it comes to first aid. They all grew up in the sewer for Curie's sake. Their immune systems could ward off bullets.
"Do you have any more ice?"
"No, sorry."
"...it's fine. Tasted like Kraang anyway."
Knew it.
"I see a Chick-fil-A near by, we could get ice there."
"Boo, Chick-fil-A."
Can't disagree on that one.
"Leonardo. Leo, are you awake?"
"Casey, you go get the ice, I'll take care of Leo."
And without a word, he was out the door. He was undoubtedly taught by future Donnie.
"Jupiter Jim has nothing on me now."
"That's great, can you tell me what day it is?"
"Definitely one of them. Ends in a Y. Full of hours."
Stop it. He's trying to help you.
"Leo, focus. Can you tell me... something. Common, what were those questions you taught us?"
"How many animals can you name starting with the letter B?"
He totally had it under control, but thanks for the help, Mikey.
"Bullhop, Big mama, Beebop, Bambi, Boss Bruce, Baloo, b bb, uh, 'Bearto."
"Ok, not bad. Not the assignment either, but overall, I'm gonna take this as a 'not as bad as it could be'."
Although that last one was a bit of a cheat.
"Leo look at me. You need to stay awake."
No. No. No. Calm down, Donnie it's okay he just proved he probably doesn't have a concussion. Maybe he's just exhausted after the fight... OR MAYBE HES BLEEDING OUT!
Wait! Donnie, you're such an idiot. Just check his wrist comm. It should have his vitals on it.
Donnie grabs Leo's arm and brings it closer. This can't be right. Donnie just made these last week. But, it's worn. Not worn as in damaged in the fight. Worn as in aged. It looks like it hasn't been taken off for months. And the record is near capacity.
<Later at the medical bay>
It's going to be brutal. 2500 hours? That's 104 days just in recordings. Three and a half months. And there's no way he was talking the whole time. Leo can talk a lot, but even he must get tired of his voice at some point. And more importantly, does Donnie really want to listen to what is almost certainly his twins decent into madness. Or further into madness in his case. Think about this logically, Donnie. If you listen to the recordings, you'll know what he went through, and you'll be able to give the right treatment. And if the trauma is all psychological, it'll just be Mikeys problem. Here goes, just have to press play. Donnies hand hovers over the button for what must have been a solid minute. But eventually, he does it. Rips of the bandage, so to speak. And braces for impact.
"Mission log. I've managed to avoid the enemy for now"
Is he doing his Jupiter Jim voice?
Part 2
AU where Leo is trapped in the Prison Dimension for months instead of minutes and the only way he gets by with his sanity intact is through recording himself talking to his wrist comm.
When they finally manage to get Leo back and make him rest up to heal, Donnie can’t help but listen to the recordings left behind.
He’s not sure what exactly he’s expecting, only that his subconscious is screaming at him that it has to be heartbreaking, that it has to be torturous.
Instead, what Donnie is subject to is a full thousand hours’ worth of Jupiter Jim and Lou Jitsu crossover fanfiction. More than one part in the series. Spanning well over a million words.
(The worst part is that it’s actually good.)
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syrupbitee · 2 months ago
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free my boy from his own show he did nothing wrong
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dumbfucksystem · 3 months ago
do you guys think anyone remembers to put flowers on airplane’s grave…
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ryllen · 1 year ago
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maybe i do want us to kiss a little more
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le0sulfurous · 9 months ago
Good day to all the unironic active Captain underpants enjoyers on here (hi to all 7 of you) I realised I hadn’t drawn fanart or a thing in a while and I wanted to redraw some book illustrations that I liked so have these small lil doodles
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(original illustrations under the cut)
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Also here’s a scratchy doodle that I just drew for fun unrelated to the illustrations, epic heist fail
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little-red-fool · 5 months ago
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I don’t know I don’t have a good caption for this.
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sarafangirlart · 2 months ago
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Hera doesn’t give a shit about relationships other than her own and she didn’t give a fuck about Hephaestus and Aphrodite divorcing BC THEY DIVORCED IN THE ODYSSEY AND THERE IS NO INDICATION THAT HERA HAD ISSUES WITH THAT
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alluraaaa · 2 years ago
lance being a jack of all trades had such good potential. a guy who’s decently good at everything but not amazing at anything who only sees the lack of perfection. he’s always someone’s second choice because there’s always someone better, and he acts out and builds a persona of false bravado to cope with that. that’s why he’s so proud of being the “cool ninja sharpshooter,” because it’s the first thing he’s been the best at that’s useful in a war
there could have been an amazing character arc about how being good at things or being the best at something isn’t indicative of someone’s worth. the team doesn’t love him because he’s a great shot and a good paladin. they love him because he’s lance
and idk if i’m swinging at a hornet’s nest here (defo would’ve been in 2017) but that’s why i don’t like black paladin lance lmao. lance isn’t the best choice for black paladin, and that’s okay. leading and strategizing are things he’s good at, like so many others, but it isn’t his forte. with his wide skillset and smooth adaptability, he’s the perfect fit for the role of support as the guardian of water. water is liquid! it fills in the gaps!! while everyone else has a dedicated Thing, he picks up the slack to make the team stronger!!!!!
and if we’re looking at this through a klance lens, there’s a lot to say about lance’s fabricated rivalry. keith was (at least in lance’s eyes) absolutely perfect. a perfect student, a perfect pilot, able to effortlessly do things that it took endless practice for lance to get decent at. of course lance starts to hate him, who wouldn’t in that position. not to mention the months spent being constantly compared to keith. to have keith— that keith— fall in love with lance would be so narratively delicious. to have someone so seemingly perfect look up to you? to have someone so seemingly perfect show he isn’t by being vulnerable and open and trusting you to not to be cruel? chefs kiss MUAH
ummm tldr blue paladin lance forever and ever and also the full quote is “a jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”
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greyxly · 6 months ago
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cesshi my boy i will give you the world
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chameleon8 · 5 months ago
I can not believe that Jason Grace has wormed his way into becoming ✨The Boy✨ when 90% of what I remember him doing canonically was get concussed and be confused
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xxplastic-cubexx · 6 months ago
idk the consensus on the last stand but old man charles and erik rolling up to lil ol young jean gray's home and sitting down with her like two old men about to adopt their daughter .. it makes my brain happy at the very least
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braceletofteeth · 1 year ago
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Strangers From Hell Incorrect Quotes [13/?]
#strangers from hell#seo moonjo#yoon jongwoo#gifset#*brace's#incorrect quotes#//#ok so technically the quote is from IWTV#but what inspired me was this one fic I read yesterday#where Jongwoo tells Moonjo he hates him while they're making out#and the Moonjo there enjoyed that so much. So much you'd think that's dirty talk to him#and. hm. yeah. to me that tracks.#the idea of being able to get under Jongwoo's skin deeper than anyone else#to provoke burning and disorienting reactions with your existence alone#in such a way you just CANNOT be ignored#that sounds. uh. pretty good. very satisfying. from a Moonjo point of view.#but. why did I match this dialogue with this scene you may ask-#well for one I really like the acknowledgement that comes with ''as you should''#no denial. no begging. no bargaining.#if that person hates you that's because you gave them a reason to and you know it#you know you deserve it#you deserve the consequences of your actions. your punishment.#this time. from this one person.#the one person you hold in higher regard than yourself. the only one whose feelings matter more than your own.#if you're in the receiving end of their rage and disgust you should cherish it#that might be all you are ever gonna get from them. all of them that is ever gonna be yours.#their hatred might be the most personal‚ most intimate feeling they will share with you.#... and that's why I picked this scene: the closeness. the intimacy.#Moonjo's surrender. the way he just lays there and wait. watch. the look of reverence in his eyes.#reverence tinted with fondness and pride. with bliss.
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theghooligan · 1 year ago
my salty ass because they didn’t give sanzu his pretty aquarium ass eyes:
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kuroo-hitsuji · 1 day ago
Finally on the last page of my current sketchbook (yippee) so I've been flipping back through it to see if i wanna clean anything up or post anything
I'm pretty happy with these :3 (Barbatos fell victim to Warm Up Drawing disease but i genuinely like the rest lmao)
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